Rome, 20 August (AKI) - Italian Anti-Mafia tax police seized nearly half a billion euros worth of assets generated by Mafia organised crime activities and money laundering in the first half of 2009. According to figures released by police on Wednesday, tax authorities seized more than 475 million euros worth of assets, as well as 431 kilogrammes of illicit drugs.The tax police also arrested 141 people, while another 533 others are under investigation."The results were achieved as a result of co-ordinated and persistent action and analysis of criminal activities and economic and financial activities, carried out in collaboration by several departments and a number of national and international institutions," the tax police said in a statement."Using the latest advanced computer applications they are able to have at their disposal a geographical map of criminal organisations, to identify areas of influence of mafia groups in the region."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Italy: Police seize €500 mln euros in mafia assets
Rome, 20 August (AKI) - Italian Anti-Mafia tax police seized nearly half a billion euros worth of assets generated by Mafia organised crime activities and money laundering in the first half of 2009. According to figures released by police on Wednesday, tax authorities seized more than 475 million euros worth of assets, as well as 431 kilogrammes of illicit drugs.The tax police also arrested 141 people, while another 533 others are under investigation."The results were achieved as a result of co-ordinated and persistent action and analysis of criminal activities and economic and financial activities, carried out in collaboration by several departments and a number of national and international institutions," the tax police said in a statement."Using the latest advanced computer applications they are able to have at their disposal a geographical map of criminal organisations, to identify areas of influence of mafia groups in the region."